Saturday, April 11, 2009

Critism: Dont Just avoid it, if you can cash it..

'Criticism' the first look at this word gives a negative feeling, and someone who is criticizing looks like enemy. We usually face criticism in our daily life. Sometimes during a general talk among friends you feel someone is targeting you. Everyone point you make they try to either criticize it or harshly reject it. Sometimes your family members, coworkers, people you know at different places, or your close friends tend to criticize your ideas and way of working. If regular criticism leads to an end to the relationship or even to a hard feeling for the person who is criticizing.

Here I give the tips useful to deal with criticism in daily life:

1. Take it open heartedly if you think you are strong enough to keep your image after criticism (sometimes humiliation ;-) ). Otherwise just pass on a smile and change the topic. The less is discussed on that topic is less harm your's feelings.

2. Definitely think about the points by other person when you are completely out of discussion and free. You may learn some thing from critics too. Ignore all crappy stuff that hurts you to stay happy.

3. Usually while criticizing, people tend to loose the core issue and move other topics and never get back to core problem wasting huge amount of time. So stay focused to learn what you need from criticism otherwise you will be lost by the diversity brought by the criticizer. And keep in mind self respect is most important, dont ever lose it for anyone.

Accepting all criticism is not suggestible :) give your points and answers too even though they are rejected harshly. You will learn why this criticisms is made, like to make you learn or just the they dont like anything that come from you, or the idea was wrong and they wanted to help you :)

Most importantly if someones criticism makes you loose confidence, best is to ignore them. Dont ever talk to them about your projects and important stuff. Whenever meet them talk about movies and fun stuff and keep relationship going :)

Respect difference of opinion because everyone is from a different professional and cultural background. Negative criticism for the sake of making someone learn is also acceptable, but to humiliate is never forgivable. You will treated same way as you treat others :)

Stay positive.. Stay Happy

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